Saturday, October 17, 2009


I've recently started making cards & invitations & even an occasional scrapbook (for gifts). They can be somewhat time-consuming, but gratifying. And it's satisfying to see the faces on the recipient (of said card/invite/scrapbook).

One that I'm pretty proud of is the following card/invitation given to my friend for her birthday. I laid it out to reflect the day I had planned to celebrate her birthday.

It was a lot of fun to create and so was the day.

I just completed several handmade Halloween cards, but failed to take pictures. I had Monday (Columbus Day) off and spent a good part of the day crafting the cards.

I also spent time cutting out fabric for aprons I made for a craft show in LA. Co-worker friends of mine offered to sell them at the show. We'll see - I'm not sure - but I do know one sold even before the show.

It's satisfying to know that someone enjoys the work I put into the things I create; whatever that may be.

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