Saturday, October 31, 2009


As usual, if the Black's are going to travel - they are going to see as much of the world and make the most of a trip. And that's just what we did this past week.

On October 22nd we flew into Orlando Florida for a Wedding Weekend Extravaganza at Walt Disney World.

We stayed at Port Orleans Riverside. Our only frustration - we love to walk but the place was so spread out on several acres that we asked to have our room moved closer to the main lobby due to the humidity and "melt" factor.

What a fun time shared with our dear friends, Celeste & Mike. So many memorable events. So many "Magical moments" - because we were at Disney, folks!

The Happy Couple

Reception Table

With Mike's foot out of commission (aka broken) their Wedding Dance was priceless!

The First Dance

On Sunday morning, we headed off to Savannah Georgia. We were in the car for 6 hours prior to our arrival and couldn't wait to walk around and see some of the sights. We only had part of the afternoon and one evening in Savannah so we had to make the most of it.

It was great to see the "historical" buildings - some have been standing for over 200 yrs.

The old buildings were used for so many different things. Our hotel "Planters Inn" once was a brothel (many years ago) and is said to be haunted on the 6th floor where a woman shot her husband that was "visiting" the brothel.

The current CVS was once a jailhouse and is considered to be haunted by a slave woman that was hung in the square just outside the CVS. They only are open until 6 pm each day due to the paranormal activity.

Savannah Cotton Exchange

River Walk Area

We couldn't believe the old cobblestone streets that have been there for years.

Bird Girl - was made famous by the photograph placed on the cover of the novel "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil". The original Savannah Bird Girl, the four foot high bronze statue was moved from Bonaventure Cemetery to Telfair Museum on Barnard Street.

Maybe we'll get to see the original statue when we return to Savannah some day.

After indulging in a yummy meal of Fried Green tomatoes, Crab Cakes and sweet tea (very Southern) on the River Walk. We took a "Ghost" walking tour. A perfect way to see Savannah (walking).

Tasty Dish of Fried Green Tomatoes

Oh how I miss "Sweet Tea".

Some of the haunted residence we learned about on the Ghost tour follow in photos. I found myself hesitating to look up at the windows in case I were to see some paranormal activity.

BOO! hee hee

The trees dripped with Spanish Moss (which added to the spooky effect). Did you know that chiggers are little red bugs that live in Spanish moss and whose bite hurts like the dickens?

In the next picture (of The Olde Pink House) I wonder if that isn't a paranormal orb just above the window? Hmmm? I ask because only a few pictures taken on the Ghost tour had these strange spots.

Monday we took another (even longer) trip, with a brief stop over for lunch in Charleston, GA at Magnolia's. Probably some of thee best Southern cooking (fried chicken, collard greens and smashed potatoes and fried green tomatoes).

And another brief stop for dinner in South Carolina "Steak & Shake", before arriving in West Virginia.

We basically left Savannah around 11 a.m. and arrived in West Virginia around 11 p.m. It was a very, very long day in the car (to say the least). But we saw some beautiful sites and a lot of color in the fall leaves (which I love, love, love).

We were so happy to not have to go anywhere the next day (Tuesday). Though, while visiting with Jim's dad we did some house shopping and I think we found a keeper. It even comes with Direct TV and plenty of kitchen appliance replacements.

I think we could possibly fit in with those West Virginians (what do you think)?

Wednesday we hopped back in the Prius and took off to Washington DC. We left around 8:30 a.m., with a stop somewhere in Maryland for a late breakfast/early lunch at Cracker Barrel and then off to DC. We arrived around 3 p.m.

I did already mention that we are power travelers, didn't I?

When we arrived in the afternoon, we had just enough light left to walk the Mall and visit some of the monuments (i.e., Washington & Lincoln monuments, Korean/Vets & World War II memorials)

Touching the Washington Monument

View from the Washington Monument looking towards Lincoln (our next stop)

The steps at Lincoln Memorial

As the sun set on the Washington Monument we headed back up the mall towards the capital.

This memorial was amazing - and a little eery.

We found a little french restaurant on our walk back towards the capital and had some dinner before continuing to see the capital (lit up in the dark).

Thursday we awoke to clouds (but thankfully no rain) and headed off to the Smithsonian to visit the Natural History museum (Jim's fave)...

And then to the American History museum (my fave) - where I got to see Julia Childs Kitchen (very cool).

Once on the tour bus; after a long walk around the two Smithsonian museums we headed towards Georgetown and then to Arlington Cemetery.

We hopped on a shuttle at Arlington (because our dogs were barkin') and toured a few of the famous stops (JFK's eternal flame and The Unknown Soldier).

"Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" is guarded 24 hours a day - 21 steps, pause 21 seconds, turn and walk back in front of the tomb 21 steps.

Though we missed seeing the Ford Theatre and Spy Museum - that will give us something to visit next time we find ourselves in D.C.

And that is our trip in a nutshell.

We logged 1401 miles from Orlando to DC in five (5) days. Would we intentionally do that again? Not sure - but it sure was a lot of fun.

Hope you enjoyed reading about our travels.

Until next time,

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