Thursday, September 03, 2009


Employee of the Month

I'd like to introduce you to Penelope (*Penny* for short).
side note * she's easily distracted by things that are shiney.

She's a perfect WOmannequin Model for my new "Sew Sassy" Retro Aprons business.

It just wasn't fun displaying and taking photos of my aprons on a simple plastic hanger. I needed something fun. Something that added pizzaz! Something with character that would show off the aprons properly.

I can't take all the credit for giving her a name. I saw a friend's blog, who than shared a friend's blog and both had named their mannequins.

"Why not"?, I thought. If men can name their cars, why can't women name their mannequins? Or Womannequins (I prefer).

Never thought I'd hear myself say that, let alone own a mannequin.

Honestly, I can't even take credit for naming her. My hubby Jim did. He said "How about Penelope"? And I thought, "Sure"!

The name actually reminded me of a very fun vintage cartoon I grew up with "The Perils of Penelope Pitstop"

And then I thought of the poem "Brown Penny" by William Butler Yeats.

I WHISPERED, "I am too young,"
And then, "I am old enough;"
Wherefore I threw a penny
To find out if I might love.

"Go and love, go and love, young man,
If the lady be young and fair."
Ah, penny, brown penny, brown penny,
I am looped in the loops of her hair.

O love is the crooked thing,
There is nobody wise enough
To find out all that is in it,
For he would be thinking of love.

Till the stars had run away
And the shadows eaten the moon.
Ah, penny, brown penny, brown penny,
One cannot begin it too soon.

So, I guess it was meant to be.

I hope you enjoy Penelope's debut.

Thanks for "Bloggin' By"...

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