Saturday, August 29, 2009

I'm Baaaaack! And I'm Bloggin!

"I cannot believe it's been a month since I last blogged". Funny - each time I haven't blogged in a while and finally return to "Blog World" I say this.

Have I really been that busy? <--- I say this "every time", too. I really do!

Yes - I suppose "I have" been that busy. But I don't feel too bad. As I look at some of my friend's blogs I realize that some have not blogged for even longer. I truly miss reading up on my friends. Thank goodness for "the few" that blog faithfully and frequently. And thank goodness for Facebook.

During these busy "summer" days, Facebook is simply an easier/quicker/faster way to keep up with many. But I also realize that it doesn't replace blogging. Blogging can be very theraputic. And not only that, but a fun way to share. So now is my chance at catching up with the past month's happenings. Not only have my weekend's been filled with fun, friends and family - but work has been extremely busy preparing for our annual audit. But I don't plan on blogging about work. Just about the fun things. So let's get started...

In the beginning of July we got to spend a little time down in Balboa/Newport Beach with our favorite brother and sister-in-law. Okay - maybe they're our only brother and sister-in-law, but they are still our favorite! Here's a few pics of the morning we met for breakfast.

The pharmacy has been there for what seems like forever.

The middle of July my mom had scheduled "open heart" surgery to repair a damaged valve. While we waited for her to come out of surgery, my dad, my hubby and I spent the morning walking around the "Farmers Market" in LA.

Yes - we're not the normal family that waits in a hospital "waiting" room. We go out and find some entertainment or food.

Hey - my mom wanted us to go - honestly she did. So we diligently followed her instructions and got the heck outta the hospital and drove strait to Farmer's Market where we enjoyed some tasty pastries and roasted coffee - Yum! We also had fun walking around a looking at all the interesting booths/stores.

Landmark Sign

Dad hangin' out at the old gas station. "Filler up"?

News Stand - Magazines memoralizing Farah and Michael Jackson.

LA Bags/Totes.

Too early for Ice Cream; but loved the GIANT cone sign.

It's true what the sign says - the coffee & doughnuts were AMAZING!

Tasty, Fresh and Roasted goodness.

Peanut Butter Makin' Machine

Out-of-Focus Fruit stand.

Colorful Candy display.

Totally fun Hot Sauce labels. I thought of my cousin, while I shot these photos. He LOVES spicy hot sauces. Hmmm? Maybe I should have bought some?

More funny labels.

Check out the funny Cowboy Hot Sauce bottles.

Silly Hats on Dad & Jim. I think they had a sugar rush from the coffee & doughnuts.

Caitlin came out to visit with her boyfriend, Devin. It's always nice to spend quality time with her. Jim gets so excited when she comes for a visit. Especially this visit. Jim surprised Caitlin by giving her his Prius. She doesn't have a vehicle and it's been difficult for her to get around (especially to school). So he couldn't wait to see her face when he told her.

After dinner on Friday night (Caitlin gets a surprise)!

Her enthusiasm is priceless!

Proud Papa and Happy Faced Kid!

As usual when Caitlin comes (if we can manage it) we try to plan fun things. This time we were able to go to an Angel's game. It was fun and the Angel's won!

Caitlin drove us to breakfast prior to the game. I think she's pretty happy with the car. What do you think?

Sunday we took a boat out on Mission Viejo Lake. We invited our cousins Shane & Brandie and their sweet baby, Gabriella. It was our way of celebrating all the July birthdays. We enjoyed a beautiful float in the boat and lunch on the lake.

Here's the happy car owner, Caitlin and her boyfriend, Devin.

I also found myself at a Bridal shower for my girlfriend, Celeste. We are getting very excited about being at her wedding in October. Florida should actually have nice weather by then.

"Why?" you may be asking, "is Celeste standing in a shower with a cup o' tea?" Well don't most Bride's-to-be do this? Maybe not...

Her friend threw her a beautiful Bridal Tea Party. It was up in L.A. Well it was a sweet tea house. And in this tea house they had a shower. So why not have ... a "shower in a shower"? Hey! It seemed novel at that time.

So that's it for pictures and stories.

I would love to post the few I took in Vegas for Celeste's Bachelorette party. But you know what they say "what happens in Vegas..."

So, now I'm super excited about my next Blog post. I'm back to making aprons again! Now that things are slowing down a bit. So keep an eye out for my "custom apron" that I created along with a little fun tea cozy!

Hope you've been enjoying your Summer as much as I have.

Blog you later!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Welcome back, neighbor! I miss you!