Tuesday, April 05, 2011

When my husband gives me lemons...

(Yes, I'm going to say it)

...I make Lemonade.

And "Oh My Goodness", even though it's not summer, can I just say that it was the most delightful ice cold glass of Freshly Squeezed Lemonade I've had in a very long time.

I bet (if I wanted to) I could put on a funny shaped striped hat (some of you will get this) and start my own Lemonade Stand.

My husband picked some Meyer Lemons from a client's home (yes, he had approval - I think?).

If any of you have had the opportunity to try Meyer Lemons, you know that they are quite a bit sweeter than the normal lemons you might see in a market.

In any case, he brought them home tonight and a few were soft. So, in order to keep them from going bad I juiced the three that were ready.

Here's my recipe:

Melanie's Meyer Lemonade

3 Meyer's Lemons (made 1 cup of juice)

1 1/2 Tblsp Agave (added directly into the juice and stirred well)

Pour 1/2 a cup of juice each into 2 glasses. Add 1 cup cold water to each glass and add ice.

What a tasty treat! I intend to make some more this weekend.

Until next time, make healthful choices...

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