Wednesday, February 03, 2010

"Hello" Feburary

...and "Goodbye" January!

No "news" here. As usual I've been a slacker at blogging. It seems the only reality of my blogging efforts is to refresh the appearance of my blog with current "themed" decor.

I don't even know if my blog is read by others anymore, because I am a "Hit or Miss" kinda girl when it comes to writing down my thoughts. So bad so (I hate to even admit) that I had a difficult time remembering my own blog site link and had to start at "" to sign in first. Now that's just wrong - seriously wrong!

I have a very good excuse, though (don't I always?).

I've been without my laptop since January 1st. A great way to start the new year (not!). And I just found out that the board of all boards - the "Mother board" is Shot! Kaput! Finito! Dead! Done! Gone!

How does that even happen? Seriously?

Is there a timer that is placed inside these computers that sets off a chain reaction as soon as your "warranty" has expired?

Thankfully, I purchased my HP at Costco, which then added one year to my warranty, and then because I purchased it with my American Express, I had another year slapped on. So...Ha! to the end of warranty computer geek that tried to sabotage my poor laptop.

And now I am wondering what will Am Ex decide? Will they want to pay $784 to repair the "mother board"? On top of an addition $90 just to get the estimate for repair? Or will they merely refund my original purchase price of $1400?

And more importantly, "What do I want or hope they do?" And "Should I buy another HP?" Some have even said I should go "Mac". These are just a few thoughts racing around in my mind; along with more important thoughts like "How is it February already?" and "Who took my Egg-O?!" Okay, that last one I made up.

Besides, I've lived the past month using my husband's computer. Not that he's thrilled about that. But he tolerates me playing "Farkle" on Facebook. And checking my e-Bay sales.

I suppose I'd be doing more on his, but my Blackberry and iTouch have been good coverage while I'm waiting to hear about the outcome of my laptop's life or demise.

So, that was pretty much my January. I'm really looking forward to a better February themed blog now that I've gotten this all off my chest.

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