Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Holidays Buh-Bye!

Isn't it funny how we rush and hurry to get everything ready for the holidays. Then, what seems like a "blink of the eye", they are gone! Buh-Bye!

I often think about what it would be like to slowly prepare throughout the year and then when December comes, calmly sit back, relax and actually ENJOY. Could that even be possible?

Or is part of the "Holiday Happenings" the stress of it all? Rushing around, trying to find that perfect gift. Making sure the cards are sent off and more importantly that the gifts are shipped off "on time". Throwing Holiday Parties that you hope "everyone" can make it to, so you can visit with them and celebrate just a little before they are off and running to another event.

I think my 2010 will be to plan a little bit better, to schedule things a little bit sooner, and even start making gifts a little bit earlier. And if my mind remembers to, I will look back at 2009 and compare the two and see if it really does make a difference.

Wishing each and everyone of you a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year in 2010!
Lord knows, we all can benefit from that (don'tcha think?).


1 comment:

Christy said...

Welcome back to blogging! You really should do it more often, because I like to read. I like your new look for the New Year, too. And I hear you on what you say. Rush, rush, rush! Then, done. It sure would be nice to just sit back and enjoy next December . . .