Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sew What? Sew Retro!

It has been a little while since last I blogged. (I think I have started many of my blogs with these very same words.)

I've been busy baking and making and sewing, "OH My"!

I had every intention of posting more recipes and photos on my blog; but for some reason they have only found their way to my Facebook page. I hope to post them over the next week (we'll see).

My reason for blogging - my newest "passion" is retro aprons.

You might find yourself asking "Why"? and I will answer; "Because I ran across a website that had some fun looking retro aprons, but they wanted $40+" Ouch! I thought to myself, "I bet I could make something for less than that". So I did...

My mission (which I chose to accept) was to look for retro apron patterns; thinking all along "I haven't sewn anything in years"! And when I say years, I mean (at the least) twenty.

I then found myself worrying "Will I still know what the heck I am doing"? Of course (silly), it's like riding a bicycle. Well, maybe not quite exactly like riding a bicycle, but...

I found 3 perfect patterns at Cotton Picking and sent off for them. I remember when patterns were about a buck. Not anymore, but neither is milk, or gasoline for that matter - Ha!

Once the patterns arrived, I reviewed them "step-by-step" and found what I thought was the easiest and proceeded to buy fabric. This, of course, is my favorite part. Using color pallettes that compliment each other, that are whimsical, and will hold up when worn.

I actually went off on a limb and re-styled the pocket pattern from two small side pockets to one large pocket up front; along with adding a ruffle (of sorts) at the bottom of the apron.

Here is a photo of my first apron (and I'm very proud of myself for finishing what I started). The funny thing is, I plan on making more.

I'm working on one right now that I won't be able to post until after my friend's birthday. But I love it; because it is so FUN!

So keep an eye open for more fun designs (and hopefully a recipe or two, too).

Side Note:

My friend Karen (while in Hawaii; now in Arizona) sent me this pin cushion about a year ago (as a gift). I wondered “What will I do with this?” so I placed it in my sewing box and thought I never see it again. I was WRONG and I’m so GLAD I was!

I love it. It’s whimsical. And it works great! Thanks Karen! OxOxO

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