Friday, February 25, 2011

Be Good to Your Body and Good Health will Follow

I've been a classic "yo-yo" dieter for 2/3rd's of my life. Though, most of the time just carrying the extra weight around like an extra 1/2 person. At some point I just “gave up” and decided to love me the way I was.

I've heard from so many sources the damage that can be caused from gaining and losing weight over and over again.

I, of course, felt like I was "excluded" from this. Nothing bad could happen to me. I'm a "good" person. I don't do drugs. I'm not an alcoholic. So what if "Food" is my choice of comfort.

I used to believe "Denial" was wonderful, too. No longer will I buy into it.

In January, our Pastor, Rick Warren stated in a Sunday message that our bodies are "on loan" from God. That “we are responsible" for how we treat our bodies.

Now I won't pretend...I've heard similar messages... our bodies are a temple, that we need to worship. I thought that odd. Very odd. I mean, really?...worship?

Well, this confused me. And I certainly wasn't going to "worship" my body?

Honestly...not until Pastor Rick said our bodies are "ON LOAN" from God did it really hit me. And it "HIT ME HARD".

So my husband and I committed to "The Daniel Plan" for the next 52 weeks (and between you and me...BEYOND the 52 weeks). I'm in this for the long haul - for as long as God has me on this earth. And if I can be an example of "hope" for others, so be it.

We started with getting our blood drawn so we had a clue where we stood as far as internal health (and marking our starting point). Can I say what an "Eye Opener"!!! And many of the results "Scary", but I'm giving my worries to God and trusting in Him.

Remember...NO MORE denial!

I'm taking ownership of the abuse that has been done and I'm certainly putting my heart and soul into turning around whatever is possible with the help of modern medicine and leaving the rest to the healing power of God.

We've changed our food intake - removing "white flour", "white rice", "white sugar". Removing processed foods. Anything with more than 5 ingredients on a label is placed back on the grocery store shelf. We now eat "organic", "hormone free", and we rarely eat out anymore. All food preparation is done at home.

I suppose, even though it's a lot of preparation, we're lucky. We have each other, and very few distractions (or excuses). So we can focus on our health = by eating right and exercising.

Don't get me wrong - it IS work!!! But we're committed.

We are learning to prioritize our time spent with God and focusing on our health.

And if sharing my walk with God and my health challenges nudges another towards living a healthier lifestyle, to God be the glory.

My goal is to share my journey - the worries, the battles won, goals reached and some healthy ideas through personal experience.

Until my next update - please make "healthful choices" today.

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