Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a pretty relaxing weekend; going to a few movies (on Friday & Saturday), enjoying the sunshine and friends, and trying out lots of new recipes.

First - the movies we saw were "Star Trek" and "Night at a Museum 2", respectively. We were actually pleasantly surprised with the Star Trek movie. Though we are not Trekies; we did grow up in the 60's and watched the original television series. They actually created a very interesting movie (with lots of special effects, of course). As for the latter, "Night at a Museum 2". It was not nearly as good as the first. But would be enjoyed by children (or so I've been told).

We took walks with the dogs, which is always a nice outlet.

And I was able to share some time with my dear friend, Chris (visiting from Arizona) at our favorite little Tea House in San Juan Capistrano (to celebrate Chris' birthday). What a good time we had.

Last, I was motivated and cooked up some recipes I've been meaning to try. They were all yummy and easy to make. Though, the Polish Salad was time consuming with all the dicing the size of a pea (well worth it, nonetheless).

Check out the pictures and recipes in the blogs to follow.

So, what did you do this past Memorial Day Weekend?

1 comment:

Suzie said...

Hi, Melanie!
Thanks for the recipes !!
I will definitely try them. I could tell already that my kids would love them!!
Also thank you for the tea house info! I've always wanted to take Daisy to a tea house!! It will be nice to drive out there on the weekend.
Have a great day!!