Friday, April 10, 2009

In Pursuit of Good Friday

It really is sad that there is so much turmoil in the world today. Not knowing what so many people are going through and what they have lost.

This morning, as I watched the news, a police pursuit occured on the toll road at the end of our cul-de-sac "in our somewhat peaceful neck of the woods". It actually started in Long Beach and then she ended up driving (erratically at times) from the 55 fwy to the 91 fwy to the 241 toll road. And as I watched this pursuit go by (yes - I took my camera, ran down the end of the street to catch it on video); I had to wonder what tragic things had happened to this woman that drove the car at high rates of speed to get away from the police. It made me sad. And in reality, instead of shooting the video I should have stopped to say a prayer for her.

I then realized in all of the trials I have faced these past few days (and how eloquently my cousin said "Bring on the storm, my God can handle it") I have to give thanks and praise to God. Especially during this weekend. He gave so much to me (to us) and I can surely give back, in even the smallest gestures. So as soon as I finish this short blog; I am going to "stop" and "pray" for the woman that was finally captured. Pray that she finds peace in her life as she deals with her own trials.

And then I am going to ask God again to please handle the storm I am facing here at home.

I wish all of you a very "Good Friday" and pray that you find God in the little and big things you may face this weekend.

1 comment:

Naomi Murphy said...

I heard and saw 3 helicpoters flying over this morning when I was walking the dog. I heard sirens in the distance. Was wondering what was going on.
Praying for your during your storm and hope things are well.