Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Celebrations / Vacations - the last month and a half

What we've been up to? PART 1

The "CliffsNotes"

Birthday Celebrations, Home Renovations, Disneyland, Wineland, Visibility, Dog Agility
PART 2 (check back)
Loving Holiday, and a Needed Getaway

Hello everyone!

I cannot believe it has been over a month since I last blogged. Can it really be that I am that busy?!?

It was a bit difficult finding a way to "blog" without my laptop in January. And "Thankfully" my laptop is back in tip top shape (returned the first of February); but why no blogging until now?

Well, I'm going to try to cram as much information into this one blog to fill you in and catch you up; and also try not to bore you. A challenge? Maybe, but my hope - that you find some of this entertaining. I'm going to do this in a few parts, because I am covering the past month and a half.

So grab yourself a cup of joe/tea or even a nice glass of wine. Hey! The wine might make this reading more interesting *grin*.

January we celebrated Jim's birthday at Disneyland and our SIL (sister in love) Jill's birthday in Santa Barbara/Arroyo Grande/ Paso Robles / San Luis Obispo. Yes - ALL of them.

Most of you may already know that Disneyland is giving "free entry" this year to the birthday person (the day of their birthday). Well, Jim's birthday was the 17th of January (a Saturday); so what a perfect way to spend the day acting like kids at Disneyland.

And because we renewed our Annual Passes Jim scored $69 Disney Dollars to spend as he "wished" and he found a nifty heavy cotton wind breaker jacket. Not too shabby.

The last weekend in January found us in Santa Barbara picking up Jim's bro "Dr Chee" and his lovely wife (our SIL) Jill. We drove our way up the coast (I was the DD - can you believe it?!) for some wine tasting in Arroyo Grande ("Laetitia" yummy champagne) and then on to Paso Robles for some new discoveries.

As we found our way out of Paso Robles we made a stop at this great winery in PR called "Vihuela". We met the owner - he actually poured for us and explained each wine in detail. We had a blast (as you can see from the picture).

before the tasting with the owner...

...after the tasting

Just Kidding! (actually both were taken after the tasting; I just cropped the owner out of the silly picture for selfish purposes)

And here was our "Score" at the end of our trip. Anyone interested in coming over for a glass of vino?

BTW...have any of you heard of bubble gum alley in SLO? If not, here's a photo of very small (but disgusting) portion of it. Apparently many have been sticking their used gum on the wall and in some spots it is, at the very least, 1 inch thick. I was fine walking down the alley; but when I turned around to walk back (reality hit - all that spit that chewed up the gum); I ran back to the beginning - GROSS!

I almost forgot!!! And this is pretty cool stuff...

"In between birthday celebration weekends" we had some recessed lighting put in over our couch. Yup! We can now have all the other lights out in our front room (kitchen / dining room) and can actually "SEE" (the light). It's so great! The electrician did such a nice job with adding the new lighting (along with replacing our kitchen lighting to more modern fixtures); we're going to invite him back to wire/hang our TV on the wall.
AAA Pacific Electric (Sammy - Owner) 949-633-2198 <Highly recommend

VisibilityIt might not look like much to you, but it's BEAUTIFUL to me. :)

Oh...and our Monday's have been busy with Jim & Bella taking Doggie Agility classes. Bella is loving every minute of it (Jim, too) And, though we haven't been for the past 3 Monday's due to rain and being out of town; I know both JB & Bella are looking forward to their next class.

Doggie Agility

Well, check back in the next few days for "Part 2" of Celebrations / Vacations - the last month and a half. Good night for now.

1 comment:

Naomi Murphy said...

Thanks for the updates. You have been busy :) Love the new blog look. We have been to that alley in SLO. Gross..yes!!. I told the kids "don't touch" ewww. I also got a photo. We were there 2 years ago as Evelyn was doing her mission report on the SLO mission.