Sunday, December 21, 2008

A Reason (during this Season) To Blog...

Only 3 days to go (where has the month gone?). I've wanted to Blog about so many things but just couldn't seem to find the time (or energy for that matter).

But yesterday we held our Annual Holiday House.

It normally happens the first weekend in December; but not this year. This year it almost didn't happen.

THANK GOODNESS it did. All because of some friend's encouraging words.

Among the family and friends that came by for some holiday cheer, we were fortunate and finally able to spend some pre-holiday time yesterday with my Cousin Shane, his wife Brandie and their darling little girl, Gabriella.


Can I tell you that when they walked in all heads turned.

No! Not to look at Shane (grin). All eyes went straight to baby Gabriella. You just can't help it.

She's simply one of the most adorable babies I've ever seen. It's hard to believe she is only 8 months. She's so bright, alert, smart and cute as can be.

See for yourself...

We want to THANK ALL those that were able to make our Holiday House a success.

We plan on continuing the tradition next year (back to the first weekend in December).

And on this 21st day of Christmas (with only 3 days to go); I hope you are able to find time to do something you "really want to do" but just can't seem to find the time.

Merry Christmas to each and every one of you!


Christy said...

I'm so, so, so bummed that I couldn't get back to California for your party this year. It's always so fun to spend such a festive time with you.

Naomi Murphy said...

I'm sorry we couldn't make the party. Soccer tournament and then getting to another Chirstmas party. tis' the season.
Sounds like you had a great time :)

Merry Chirstmas to you my friend.

Unknown said...

Thanks girls! You were missed, but don't worry - there's always next year :)

Remember: 1st Saturday in December.

I'll be more committed about getting my invites out earlier, this time.

Merry Christmas to you and your families.

Hope to see you soon, Naomi.
See you next week, Chris!